hair loss and hormones in women

hair loss and hormones in women is a common problem now become. In fact, one in four women female pattern baldness (FPB). This is mainly due to hair loss and hormones in women . Let's see exactly why this happens and what is the best way to fight it.

hair loss and hormones in women is mainly of three types:

1) State of health
In some conditions, such as thyroid disease, overactive glands of the body and start producing excess hormones. This can result in hair loss. If your hair loss problem falls into this category, then you do not need treatment for hair. Ask your doctor about hormonal imbalances, the problem outside of the hair once resolved.

2) hormonal changes due to life stages
When a woman is pregnant or menopausal, so fluctuating hormones in your body. This can also cause temporary hair loss and must stop when reducing hormones. Again, there is no need for hair care.

3) genetic hormonal problem
If your hair loss or baldness is hereditary, then you have some special treatment.

hair loss and hormones in women ,In some people, the male hormone androgen converted into a substance known as DHT (dihydrotestosterone) by the action of enzymes. hair loss and hormones in women , This hormone is a male hormone, but in small amounts in women.

DHT binds to the hair follicles in the scalp and prevents achieve. The blood supply to them To reduce the lack of coils oxygenated blood from the hair, and prevent. Production of new hair

This decrease in the production of new hair is what causes BPP and is responsible for 95% of all cases of hair loss and hormones in women .

Now that you know this, you can easily see that the solution to the problem of hair loss and hormones in women is not too expensive underwent transplant or surgery, but simply to reduce. DHT in the blood

hair loss and hormones in women , This is where the FDA approved ingredient minoxidil can help. This drug inhibits DHT in the serum and that an adequate blood flow to the hair follicles. The follicles then it is well and produce new hair again.

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